Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Oceanis Dive Center - diving in Crete

Diving in the waters surrounding Crete is an amazing experience. The transparency of the Cretan Sea is unique. Its turquoise waters have a visibility of 20-50 meters, which creates ideal conditions for diving and observing underwater life.

The temperature of the sea from June to November ranges from 21 to 28 degrees Celsius, which allows comfortable descent under water for most of the year. Even in the winter months, it does not reach temperatures lower than 16 degrees. There are ideal places for both beginners and advanced divers who can and want to enjoy greater depth.

Oceanis Dive - snorkeling

More than snorkeling

Even when you are just swimming by the beach, if you are provided with a mask and tube, you can watch the varied sea bottom and its inhabitants. However, if you simply do not have the usual snorkeling and would like to try your hand at more advanced diving, we can recommend a company that will enable it. Regularly, her services are used, among others participants of trips organized by

I met Georg, the owner of Oceanis in 2013. I was looking for a good dive center for an integration trip in the spring of 2014. So far I have not dealt with diving in full equipment, but the professionalism of the entire Oceanis team has resulted in cooperation. Already in the spring with the part of the team sailed from Kolimbari towards Manies Beach, where we spent an hour underwater. It was an amazing impression. Of course, in Crete, there is nothing to expect a coral reef like in Egypt, but it was worth it anyway. I recommend to anyone wanting to try this adventure. Diving for "rookies" as we were preceded by training and we all had a great time.


Oceanis Dive - Balos

A company with traditions in Kolymbari

Oceanis Dive Center is a company that for 20 years has been organizing recreational diving for both beginners and advanced divers. The ISO Berau Veriras certificate that the Oceanis Dive Center has is also a guarantee of safety during the dive.
The dive center is located in a quiet and remote village of Kolymbari, on a beautiful bay, 22 km west of Chania. In the neighborhood there is the first marine protected area located on the peninsula of Rodopou.

You can sail to 38 different places every day. Instructors, of course, always take into account the weather and the level of advancement of their clients, so the experience is safe and suitable for everyone.
All diving trips are conducted by local instructors who have great experience and knowledge of underwater areas. With them you can visit reefs, caves, caves, walls, wrecks and other unique places with beautiful landscapes and a varied marine life.

The dive center is open all year, seven days a week.

Oceanis Dive Center - an offer for everyone

The offer of diving sites offered by Oceanis Dive Center is very interesting.

In the Rodopou peninsula you can meet up to 95% of the marine life that occurs in the Mediterranean.
The bottom is rocky, rich in small reefs, canyons and caves. It is an ideal environment for lobsters, octopus, nudibranchs, sea anemones, anemones, large pelagic fish that occur here throughout the year, and in September you can also find squid here. In addition, you can observe sponges, large stretches of seagrass, red corals, or a stunning palette of marine life in great colors.

Other places where cruises combined with diving are offered are Menies, where there are the remains of the ancient city, Balos Gramvousa, the Cave of Elephant and the shipwreck in Kolimbari.
More advanced divers can go underwater in the caves of Belegris, Agios Pavlos, Pythari or Tripiti. Full offer and details along with the price list can be found on the Oceanis Dive Center website:

Oceanis Dive - wreck in Kolimbari

If you have never dived and you are not sure if this hobby is for you, then it is worth taking a free diving attempt at the beginning. Try Scuba is an hour spent at the pool together with an instructor, after which you can decide whether you want to dive in the sea.

In addition to the typical recreational diving, Oceanis Dive Center also offers a variety of training and courses for beginners and advanced. Some of them are combined with the acquisition of various certificates. The exact offer, along with the price list, can be found on the center's website:


Oceanis Dive Center offers the possibility of obtaining certificates of diving rights in the SSI system (Scuba Schools International), PADI (Professional Association Diving Instructor) and CMAS (Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques). The center provides equipment and equipment necessary for training and insurance for its clients.

Oceanis Dive - diving school

Instructors conduct courses in such languages ​​as: English, Greek, French, German, Russian and Polish .
Classes are held in small groups of up to 5 people or in the form of private lessons. Instructors adapt by the deadline and hours to the capabilities of their clients.

The first lessons for beginners usually take place at the pool, and then in the safe and protected bays near the Oceanis dive center, where the depth does not exceed 10 meters. The center also offers special programs tailored to the capabilities of children.

Oceanis Dive - diving school

Open Water is the most important course because its goal is to dive in the open sea to a maximum depth of 18 meters. The trainees learn about all important safety measures that make the dive comfortable and safe. In addition to the practical part, this course also includes the theoretical part, written test and final exam. Oceanis lends equipment necessary for diving, but if you are interested in purchasing your own, you can do it at the shop in the center.

For advanced

If you are not a novice diver and are looking for more challenges, Oceanis also offers advanced training of Adventure Diver, Advance Diver and offer of diving at deeper depths, night diving or Stress & Rescue Diver course. His program deals with identifying and solving problems that may arise during diving and methods of coping with stress. You can find more details and information about these courses on their website:

Photographs that are illustrations of this article and some text materials have been made by Oceanis Dive Center.


In January 2018, George Tzanakis, an instructor and owner of the Oceanis Dive Center , died suddenly. At the moment, we have no information about the further activity of the diving center.

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Najnowsze komentarze:

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gość Majk: Hala dalej zamknięta ? Ech robiliśmy tam zakupy 10 lt temu  :)
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Bardzo się cieszę. Mnie to odpowiada, bo nie znoszę głośnej muzyki na plaży i coraz trudniej było znaleźć miejsce bez leżaków. Jak ktoś chce leżaki to zapewne znajdzie odpowiednie miejsce.
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Małe sprostowanie. Określenie "Fałszywe plaże" jest błędne. Chodzi tu o "Niezadeptane plaże" (gr. Απάτητες παραλίες) ;)

Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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